Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another year of Football

September fast arrives so does another year of football. Last year we had spygate, M.Vick and the Pats undefeated season ........ um ya about that . This year we have Farve, Manning hurt and New England 0-3 in preseason (Brady really is the team ) . This is looking to be a stellar year on the gridiron. lets make one thing im a Pats fan so this whole blog will be very onesided you don't like it .. go wave pompoms for your moms field hockey team . The Cowboys whatever Romos a flash in the pan Thats why they are looking at John Beck . Indy is only as good as Mannings Knee ,and his brother well lets just watch and laugh at the Giants missing the playoffs
Well thats all for now keep the mud on the field and off grammas carpet.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

Wow, yah, NO idea who we're talking about here.. but the Pats suck.

LMBO-- okay, totally kidding, but that got your panties in a bit of a bunch for a second there, now didn't it!? lol